The Android Market has published more than 500,000 mobile applications — though the powers that be have removed around 37 percent of published apps. By contrast, Apple’s App Store for its iOS devices has published 600,000 apps; around 24 percent of those applications were later removed. These stats are current as of the end of September. Published apps are constantly being culled for a number of reasons, including quality, unaddressed bugs and incompatibility with the latest mobile operating system updates. According to data from mobile analysis firm research2guidance , more than 78 percent of the apps that were removed from the Android Market were free. Research2guidance speculates, “Publishers [may] put more effort into the applications they place with the pay-per-download business model, thus ensuring that it is kept longer in store.” According to data published earlier this year, the Android Market is actually set to contain more apps than the App Store by mid-201...
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